What Is 3/4 Handicap?

Unlike the 1/4 handicap, the 3/4 handicap is also known as the half one or the 0.75 handicap in football online betting. For this handicap, when team A accepts team B 0.75 left; This means that team A needs to win at least 2 goals in order for the player to win.

When new players begin to get acquainted and take part in football betting at Gogbetsg.com. Looking at the bookmaker odds chart, it will be difficult to know these types of markets. In matches given the 3/4 handicap, you should bet on the handicap team because the probability of winning can be up to 90%.

How To Play The Handicap 3/4 In Football Online Betting ?

3/4 handicap means that the team with the upper handicap must accept the team under 3/4 goals. It can be understood as follows:

  • If the handicap team wins the lower team 1-0, the handicap team will win half the money; the handicap team will lose half the money.
  • In case the team with the upper handicap wins with a score difference of 2 goals or more such as 2-0, 3-0, 3-1…, the team with the upper handicap is win enough money.
  • In the event that both teams draw, the team with the handicap is has lost enough money.

Meaning Of 3/4 Handicap

If you are an experienced and professional player, you will see the scale table as talking numbers. It reflects a lot of how a game is going; 2-team performance; Force correlation… Usually 3/4 handicap occurs when one team has superior strength compared to the other team.

The Difference Between Handicap 3/4 And Handicap 1/2

  • 1/2 handicap bet, if the upper team wins the bottom team by 1 goal difference, the upper team will eat enough money and vice versa.
  • The 3/4 handicap, if the upper home team wins, the difference is less than 1 goal, the upper team can only eat half of the money and vice versa.


With the sharing of what is the 3/4 handicap just now, hopefully it will help you know how to play the 3/4 handicap and have the right choices when playing online football betting!

Gogbetsg hopes that the recent article will help players understand the meaning of odds 3/4 and can confidently place their bets. At Gogbetsg there are many other betting markets, players can refer to more information about betting to get a better overview of the forms.